About the Parish Council

The Parish Council meets on the second Monday of every month, except August, at 7:15 pm. Meetings had been held in the Appleton Village Hall Committee Room. However, due to Covid-19, the council has been holding meetings via Zoom. Everyone is welcome to attend and the link is on the agenda published on this website and on the noticeboard outside of the Village Shop. Time is allotted at the start of the meeting for comments and statements from members of the public.
The Annual Parish Meeting is normally held around the beginning of May each year and is the council’s opportunity to report to the parish as to what it has been working on over the year and for residents to raise anything of interest to the community. Agendas are displayed on the noticeboard outside the Village Shop and on this website in the week before the meeting.
The Parish Council raises funds by the annual precept which forms part of the community charge bill and is collected by the Vale of White Horse District Council. The amount is set following discussion of a draft budget at the December meeting.
The Parish Council owns the sportsfield and is managing trustee of the Village Hall. The council delegates day to day management of these facilities to dedicated and hard working committees. It owns the land where the war memorial stands, a small piece in Eaton Road, which is thought to be the last remnant of the Great Green and a small strip at Bablockhythe.
The council is consulted on planning applications within the parish that have been submitted to the Vale of White Horse District Council. All Planning Applications for consideration are put on the council’s agenda and discussed at public meetings where anyone can attend. Any comments submitted to the planning authority by the Parish Council must be taken into account. However, the Parish Council has no further influence over planning applications.
All Councillors declare any interests they may have upon joining the council. That information can be found on the Vale of White Horse District Council’s website by clicking here.
If there is anything you would like to raise with the council, please do feel free to come to a Parish Council meeting or email the Parish Clerk.