Local News

APP Rocks 14th October poster

APP Rock – Saturday, 14th October!

25th September 2023

An evening of musical entertainment for the old rockers among us and the younger gang to set the dance floor alight.

Tickets are going, so get your hands on some soon!

Network Rail logo

Oxfordshire Connect – Botley Road bridge work update

20th September 2023

The Parish Council has received the following email regarding the Network Rail works:

As we have previously updated, the brick arch which we discovered below the road under the rail bridge has caused us significant additional challenges, to what was already a complex project. This unfortunately has delayed our progress, meaning we are now behind schedule.

With the rail bridge scheduled to

be replaced at end of July next year, it’s vital we complete our ongoing preparation work ahead of then. To ensure we can make up the lost timeand  meet this key deadline, the County Council have agreed that the roadunder the bridge will remain closed until October 2024.

We appreciate this news will cause further frustration to you and others amongst the local community. As mentioned in the letter, we will be holding a community drop-in next Wednesday at West Oxford Community Centre, so members of the project team will be available to discuss further.

They have also sent a letter; to view, click here.

A representative from Kier Infrastructure (on behalf of Network Rail) has offered to come to the village and speak to residents.  The Parish Council is working to arrange this and will provide more details on this once available.

NHS logo

Botley Medical Centre – Meeting tomorrow night, 20th September

19th September 2023

For those of you registered with Botley Medical Centre, many (perhaps all) will have received letters stating you will be moved to a new practice. 

There will be a meeting tomorrow evening, 20th September from 6:30 – 8:00pm at St Peter’s and St Paul’s Church Hall, West Way, Botley.  This meeting will be with the Beaumont Group Practice to hear how the practice works and for patients to ask questions. 

If you are interested in registering with alternative practice to the one you’ve been assigned, the Council has been advised that patients should visit:

Find a GP – https://www.nhs.uk/service-search/find-a-gp 

If anyone has concerns, they should ring  

0800 0526088

or email  Bobicb-ox.palscompliants@nhs.net

The Patient Participation Group for Botley Medical Centre& Kennington Health Centre will be disbanded after 30 September 2023, as the PPG is effectively being split into two, with some going to the Beaumont Group Botley Medical Centre and the others to the Manor Group Kennington Health Centre.

Heat map 5 9 23

Amber Heat Health Alert Oxfordshire

5th September 2023

The Met Office has issued an amber Heat-Health Alert (Enhanced hot weather response) for most of the country, including the local area, which is in effect between 05/09/2023 at 12:00 and10/09/2023 at 21:00. 

Significant impacts are probable across the health and social care sector due to the high temperatures, including: observed increase in mortality across the population likely, particularly in the 65+ age group or those with health conditions, but impacts may also be seen in younger age groups.

For more information visit Heat-health Alert service – Met Office and
Microsoft Power BI.

Revised Village Hall poster

UPDATE – Village Show!

22nd August 2023

Please noted the updated poster revised to make it clear that it is THE ENTRY FORMS that must be in the box in the Appleton Village Shop by 6th September NOT the entries!

Vale logo

School Holidays Activities

27th July 2023

The District Council’s Active Communities Team work across the district to help residents with their physical health and wellbeing. School Holiday Activities – Vale of White Horse District Council (whitehorsedc.gov.uk)

Every school holiday they have an array of free and low-cost activities planned, including activities for families that are signed up to YouMove. You can find out more about YouMove on our YouMove webpage.

Also check out The Beacon Wantage for details of their free summer activities with the Active Communities team.

Quiz Night – Results!

26th July 2023

Over 50 people took part in the Quiz Night at the Village Hall.

The competition was closely contested, with the winning team scoring an admirable 49 1/2 points, out of a possible 60.

We raised about £300.00 to help the Evergreens.