Local Clubs
Appleton Churchyard Project

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Burial grounds and churchyards can be rich in biodiversity, providing a haven for a wide variety of animals and plants. Appleton churchyard shows signs of relatively undisturbed and unimproved grassland with some indicator wild flower species already present. Interestingly some of our residents remember the churchyard being cut for hay with scythes.These grasslands are now becoming rare in the UK. With increasing demands on our countryside it becomes all the more important to protect these havens of wildlife.
With the agreement of the PCC a group of volunteers has been working over the last couple of years to enhance the south side area of the churchyard for wildlife to flourish. The aim is to increase the biodiversity by trying to establish more nectar producing wildflowers and encourage pollinating insects, particularly the bees, and also to nurture habitats which attract more birds and other wildlife.
This process does take time and the area has to be managed in terms of how often and when the grass is cut and cleared. This means it might appear untidy but given time it will allow plants to flower and set seed creating a richer variety of wild life. We will also plant one or two native shrubs to help attract more bees, other pollinating insects and birdlife.
Two information boards have kindly been designed and made in the village which explains the concept and what might be seen. These will be erected in the churchyard very soon.
We have been grateful for the support from the charities:
Wild Oxfordshire:
Caring For God’s Acre – Beautiful Burial Ground Project:
If you are interested in volunteering, getting involved or learning more please contact Felicity Dick: felicityddick@gmail.com