Category: Village News

Age UK winter wellbeing pack

Winter Hub: Please help us support older people in Oxfordshire this winter

1st December 2023

A message from Age UK               

As we move into the colder and darker months, we become acutely aware of the role we all have in looking out for vulnerable older people in our communities.

Winter can be tough at any age, but it’s particularly challenging for older people who face additional health risks, and increased feelings of loneliness and isolation. In addition, the cost-of-living crisis with rises in food and energy prices, is causing many local older people to worry about staying healthy and keeping their homes warm.

We are asking please for your support in supporting older people in Oxfordshire this winter. We have brought together some useful information and resources in the form of an online Winter Hub – please share this resource with both older people and those supporting them this winter.

We are also aware that not everyone has or wants access to the internet so we have created physical Winter Wellbeing packs which we can post out to you for any older people or groups you support / connect with (photo attached of contents).

These contain:

An introductory letter
Our ‘Little Handbook of our Services’
A Live Well Oxfordshire bookmark
A Winter Wrapped up Guide (from Age UK)
An Oxfordshire Talking Therapies leaflet
Our Cost-of-Living Payment Grid

Please get in touch via 0345 450 1276 if it would be helpful to receive some packs, or any of these items individually.

Just a reminder too that we have a Cost-of-Living Hub on our website with lots of useful information –

Thank you for your continued support.

Best wishes,

Age UK Oxfordshire 

APP Rocks 14th October poster

APP Rock – Saturday, 14th October!

25th September 2023

An evening of musical entertainment for the old rockers among us and the younger gang to set the dance floor alight.

Tickets are going, so get your hands on some soon!