Speed Data

30mph speed sign

At the beginning of March the speed sign was placed on Eaton Road. The data collected is as follows:


20 – 30mph  ( 5,617 traffic movements)  77.24 %

31 – 35mph  ( 1,244 traffic movements)  17.11 %

36 – 40mph  (    313 traffic movements)    4.30 %

41 – 45mph  (      74 traffic movements)    1.02 %

46 – 65mph  (      24 traffic movements)    0.33 %

Average speed                  26.83  mph

top speed                                 52 mph


20 – 30mph  ( 6,290 traffic movements)  79.57 %

31 – 35mph  ( 1,213 traffic movements)  15.34 %

36 – 40mph  (    329 traffic movements)    4.16 %

41 – 45mph  (      58 traffic movements)    0.73 %

46 – 65mph  (      15 traffic movements)    0.19 %

Average speed                   26.76 mph

top speed                                 55 mph 

The traffic speeds entering the village are still high, but the number of speeders has appeared to have dropped. This must be a step in the right direction. The traffic data for cars leaving the village appear to be similar but the numbers seem a little lower. So although the numbers of speeding cars is slowly going down it must be said that we can and must do better.