Easter Egg Hunt!

Easter eggs

Barry and I are once again organising the Appleton Easter Egg Hunt. After such a
couple of unsettling years we thought it would be a lovely tradition to reinstate.
Parents, Carers, Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles please bring your children along
to LONG CLOSE (the field behind the Church) on EASTER SUNDAY at 3PM when
the fun will begin.

In the past this event has been enjoyed by so many of the children from the parish.
We have always managed to make this a free event for all and would like to do the
same again this year. We fund this event ourselves and with kind donations from
local organisations, businesses, and private sponsors. If you are able to make a
donation, please contact Rachel or Barry who would love to hear from you.
Donations can be monetary, or if you would prefer in chocolate eggs. Any donation,
whatever the size would be very much appreciated.

Please come along and join us for a fun afternoon!

Kind regards,
Rachel and Barry Knight
Tel: 01865 864977 Mobile: 07584426030